Our Company
SunProtech is a brand of high-end solar films with a franchisee center network. Instilled in several countries for many years, our centers offer quick and professional response to all types of glazing for automotive or buildings. We strive to offer our customers innovative products and stable high quality, respectful of the new environmental standards. Regular and lasting collaboration with our industrial partners guarantees the technological performance that makes our success.
Passion, challenge and rigor drives our employees every day to serve you better.

Listening to our customers’ requirements, we are able to create specific products like Sun 03, specially designed for the climatic conditions of the Arabian Gulf Countries whether metallized films, ceramics or high-tech products such as our Variochromic 10. We are able to provide you with an extra comfort by reducing the heat and the glare in your living space.
Aware of the demands of the 21st century, our products are part of a sustainable development approach. Affix our solar film on the windows of a vehicle or a building, will reduce exhaustion of its air conditioning system. You will take part to the release of carbon reduction in the atmosphere and reduce your energy budget and maintenance of air conditioning systems.
For over 12 years SunProtech is recognized as a training center for solar film applicators. Thanks to technicians, skilled and trained in our products, we can guarantee quality services. All centers approved by our company provide a high quality service.
Making the choice of working with SunProtech is guaranteed a neat service.
Make the choice of work with SunProtech become an evidence.
Sun Variochromic 10
Total Solar Energy Rejected
IR Rejected
Visible Light Transmittance
UV Rejette
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Sun Variochromic 10
For 2 years SunProtech offers one of the most successful films of the ceramic market. This film offers an exceptional performance.
- 12% VLT (Visible Light Transmission)
- 84% IR Rejection (IR Neutralized or Rejected)
- 77% TSER (Total Solar Energy Rejected or Neutralized)
- Visible Light Transmittance 12%
- Visible Light Reflectance 5%
- IR Rejected 84%
- Ultraviolet Rejected 99%
- Total Solar Energy Rejected 77%